Friday, June 20, 2008

New York State Affiliates/New TOS

I'm sure all of you have heard of the New York Sales Tax law that went into effect on June 1st. I have added new terms to the affiliate programs in both LinkConnector and CJ to address the changes. They read as follows:

"Publishers based in New York State - If Publisher is based in New York State or has office(s) located within New York State, Merchant will only allow Publisher to promote Merchant brand(s) and/or web site(s) via Publisher's web site. Publisher may not promote Merchant through any other marketing channel including, but not limited to: paid search marketing, e-mail marketing, lead generation, mobile marketing, telemarketing, or any other form of offline marketing.

All publishers will need to accept these new terms in order to remain in or join the program."

All CJ affiliates will need to accept these new terms before 6/27/08 in order to remain in our affiliate program. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!